School Information

School Information

  • School commences at 8.55 a.m. 
  • Morning recess is from 11.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. 
  • Lunch recess is from 1.40 p.m. to 2.20 p.m.  (Children eat their lunch in their rooms at 1.30 p.m.)
  • Dismissal time is at 3.20 p.m.

No students should arrive before 8.45am and all are to be picked up by 3.35pm.  Students who arrive early must sit at the office where they will be supervised.

Children arriving to school after 9:00am must report to the office to obtain a Late Pass which they will then give to their teacher. A parent/guardian must accompanied the child to the office to sign in, otherwise late students will be marked unapproved.

If you wish to take your child from school early you must sign the child out at the office.  The office will arrange for your child to come to the office with their bag.  We do not want children removed from school by unauthorized persons or children leaving school without adult supervision. It is helpful to also send a note with your child to give to the teacher. All students leaving early must be signed out by the parent or person with parent consent at the office.

Families will receive a text message from Compass when your child is absent.  Please make sure you contact the school via phone, website absence page or by emailing your child’s teacher to explain their absence.  This is a Department of Education requirement.   If you know your child will be absent (extended holidays, appointments) please let the teacher know in advance.​