

Foundation Enrolment

During term 1 of each year we offer Foundation tours and information sessions for families to introduce you to our school and share the learning and wellbeing programs we have to support your child on their primary school journey.

Throughout the year, school tours are conducted on Tuesdays at 10am. If you can not make it to one of our Tuesday tours, please speak to our friendly office staff who will be happy to arrange an alternative time with you.

Foundation enrolments applications are accepted from the beginning of Term 2 each year and are due no later than the end of July. Foundation enrolment applications are confirmed by the middle of August.

During Term 4 a series of transition sessions will be held to prepare your child for starting school. Dates and times will be advised closer to the time.

To enrol your child either download the Foundation (Prep) enrolment information and enrolment form from our website or contact our school office for a hard copy.

General Enrolment Information

Our school zone is available on which hosts the most up-to-date information on school zones in Victoria.

Students residing within our school zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined based on your permanent residential address.

Our school manages enrolments using the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and may enrol at another school, if there are available places.

To enrol your child either download an enrolment form from our website or visit our school office to obtain a hard copy.

School tours are conducted on Tuesdays at 10am. If you can not make it to one of our Tuesday tours please speak to our office staff who will be happy to arrange an alternative time with you.

Starting school for the first time or transferring from another school, is a time of excitement for all involved. At Broadford Primary School we endeavour to ensure that transitioning into a new environment is a smooth and enjoyable process.

To enrol your child in primary school you will need to fill out an enrolment form and provide the school with important information about your child, including:

  • evidence of your child’s date of birth – a copy of birth certificate (if born overseas, you may also provide a copy of the passport)
  • your contact, phone and address details, and that of any other parent, guardian and/or carer
  • names and contact details of emergency contacts
  • medical details/conditions relating to the student, including doctor’s and dentist’s names and phone numbers (such as Asthma, Anaphylaxis and Allergy Action Plans)
  • immunisation Status Certificate
  • health and welfare information
  • information about the language/s your child speaks and hears at home
  • previous school and year (if applicable)

To be eligible for school enrolment, children must turn 5 by the 30th April

*Please note: Originals of documents must be sighted and copied at the school office

Parent Helper Program

Parents and volunteers play a vital role in assisting the school to deliver quality programs.

Members of our school community who would like to volunteer are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher or leave your name and contact details with office. On occasions requests for volunteers (eg. Working bees, classroom helpers, and excursions) will be advertised in the school newsletter, via letter or on Facebook.

All volunteers in the school must have a volunteer ‘Working with Children Card’. Applications are free and completed online.

Parents & Friends

A great way to become involved in the school is to join the Parents and Friends Association. Working in cooperation with the Principal and School Council, the BPS P&Fs aims and objectives are to:

  • contribute to the wellbeing of the school community
  • encourage the participation of all parents in the life of the school and the education of their children
  • provide opportunities for parents to get to know each other and to be informed about their child’s school
  • provide opportunities for parents to extend their understanding of school operations, and general education policy
  • contribute to proposals on school policy and other educational issues (as identified or discussed with the Principal or School Council)
  • raise funds for the benefit of the school.


Our canteen is ran by the school and provides menu items to our students that meet the “Go for your life” healthy eating program.

The canteen operates on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday’s for lunch order purchases. Snacks and drink items are available during our recess and lunch breaks, with the option to purchase snacks by themselves through a lunch order, or to accompany an order.

No icy poles, slushies or ice-cream to be ordered in lunch orders.

Students can place an order on Compass or by writing on a, Brown paper bag or envelope. Please clearly label paper orders with the Childs name, room number and correct money where possible. Orders are placed in the classroom lunch tub. If ordering via Compass please ensure you select the purchase of a brown paper bag for your lunch order to be packed in.
Orders are prepared and ready by the lunchtime break, so please ensure your child still has a snack and a drink for recess break.


Broadford Primary School has a compulsory student uniform. The uniform has been developed through the School Council. Students are expected to be dressed in the appropriate school uniform at all times whilst at school.

Uniforms are available from ‘All Things Uniform’ High St Broadford. School bags, hats and iron on logos are available from the office.

SUMMER Uniform Options

  • Plain navy-blue shorts or skort
  • Navy blue and white check gingham dress with short sleeves (navy or black bike

shorts can be worn under dresses but must not be longer than the dress).

  • Approved plain navy-blue skirt
  • Plain navy-blue pants (jeans not approved)
  • Sky blue school polo shirt
  • Royal blue school jumper, jacket or vest
  • Black school shoes
  • Runners
  • Plain blue, black or white socks
  • School broad brim sun hats, with logo

Additional WINTER uniform options

  • Plain navy-blue pinafore
  • Light blue skivvy
  • Plain navy-blue or white tights
  • Plain navy-blue beanie

Grade 6 Students (Optional)

School windcheater and tee shirt which has been designed and approved each year


School broad brim sun hats, with logo

Clear labelling of ALL CLOTHING AND SCHOOL ITEMS is strongly encouraged.

OSHC | Kelly Club

At Broadford Primary School we offer Before and After School Care and a School Holiday program through our OHSC provider Kelly Club.


Before School Care 6:30am – 8:50 am

The Kelly Club before school care program offers art and craft activities, games, lego, books and free time play equipment. Staff lead a variety of small projects each term. Families may choose to have breakfast provided. This includes a range of nutritious cereals and toast with spreads.

After School Care 3:20pm-6:20pm

Our after school care program focuses on sports, cooking, arts and crafts, and structured free time. Each week themed subjects help children extend their learning outside of the classroom. Time is also set for children to complete homework should they or their parents want homework completed then. Afternoon tea is provided varying each week including sandwiches on wholemeal bread, fresh fruit, vegetable sticks, muffins, popcorn and chilled water at all times. Children who remain after 4:45pm also receives snacks such as muesli bars, crackers, cookies, and fresh fruit to keep them going.


Before School Care
$25.00 permenant/$27.00 casual

After School Care
$32.00 permanent/$34 Casual

Holiday Program
$80.00 per day/event days will incur additional costs

Child Care subsidy
Families can enjoy up to a 90% reduction in Kelly Club fees depending on certain factors such as income test, service type etc. – Please contact Kelly Club for any questions.

Phone: 0478 153 546

Booking link


CSEF & Bus Info

Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF)

The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) provides payments for eligible children to attend activities like:

  • school camps or trips
  • swimming and school-organised sport programs
  • outdoor education programs
  • excursions and incursions

Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or temporary foster parents are eligible to apply. A Special Consideration category also exists. Schools can receive applications from families over term one and two. Contact the school office for further information.

Bus Info

School Buses

School buses are available for eligible children attending Broadford Primary School or where seats are available. To be an eligible traveller, the distance from door to door must be no less than 4.8 kilometres. To travel on the bus, parents/carers must complete the ‘PT Form1 Application for Permission to Travel’ and returned to the school office.

Broadford Secondary College coordinates the school buses. If parents/carers want to change the normal arrangements for their children’s bus travel, (eg; student not travelling home on the bus that night) they must provide the school with a written explanation or phone call to the office of the change. NO NOTE OR CALL – NO CHANGE.

Conveyance Allowance

If you live more than 4.8km from your nearest bus stop or school, you may be eligible for conveyance allowance. This is paid to the school and reimbursed to the parent to help with the cost of student travel to and from a student’s nearest government school. Please ask at the school office for an application form. This payment is made at the end of each semester.

First Aid

If children become sick or have an accident at school, they are cared for in the first aid room until contact can be made with parents/carers. If your child is unwell at school, parents/carers or emergency contacts are notified and asked to come and collect them.

Therefore, it is really important to have your most up-to-date contact details at the Office.

The school needs a current daily phone number and that of an emergency contact.

In cases of extreme emergency the school will call an ambulance at the parents’ cost.


All prescribed medication will be stored securely in the school office.

If your child has been prescribed medication that needs to be administered during the school day you will need to fill out a medication form. Please contact the school office to discuss specific requirements.


If your child suffers from asthma, you MUST complete an ‘Asthma Management Plan’. This form needs to be completed by your child’s doctor and will be maintained on file at the school. If the plan is amended please provide an updated version as soon as possible.


Children who suffer with Anaphylaxis MUST have an up-to-date Action Plan.

Children who are at risk of anaphylactic reactions must be identified on enrolment and plans put in place including having their EpiPen at school. Teachers undergo training to assist students who may have a reaction at school and EpiPens are maintained in the first aid room.

Head Lice

Head lice occurs in all schools and are always a source of frustration to families. Parents/Carers are urged to make regular inspections of their child’s hair. When live head lice are found, children are NOT permitted to return to school until treatment has been completed. You should notify the school if your child has head lice and a note will be sent home to all children in that room to have them checked. This is confidential and your child will not be identified.

Infectious Diseases

Children are required to provide the school with an Immunisation Certificate upon enrolment.

Some illnesses require children to be kept at home whilst infectious. If your child has an infectious disease please notify the school straight away. The child must stay at home for the exclusion period. You can find this information on the Department of Health website under the schools exclusion table: