

At Broadford Primary School we want all students to be successful learners who achieve a high level of literacy skills. Our teaching practices are based on current research and incorporate high impact teaching strategies as outlined by the Victorian Department of Education. Every classroom has a daily two-hour Literacy block to build skills in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. Literacy is integrated into all areas of learning.

To become a proficient reader, we believe in the importance of developing foundational reading skills in the early years.  At Broadford Primary School we have implemented an explicit and systematic program that includes recognising phonological patterns (sounds), and phonics (the relationship between sounds and letters).

We want to create lifelong writers who have the knowledge and skills to write what, when and how they want, in order to share their voices and do good things in our world. Our explicit writing instruction teaches students to write informative, imaginative and persuasive texts incorporating the 6+1 traits of writing: Ideas, Organisation, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, Conventions and Presentation.

We provide a tutor learning program in targeted small groups using the MiniLit intervention program for students requiring additional support. The focus of the tutor learning program is on the foundational skills of literacy and numeracy, which are critical for success in school and life.

Grade 5 and 6 students have the opportunity to be selected for the Victorian High Ability Program (VHAP), a 10-week enrichment program that addresses the needs of high-ability students to engage them with challenging material in either English or mathematics. This is a virtual learning opportunity and students are able to participate with students from other schools across Victoria.


    Our vision for teaching Mathematics

    Mathematics at Broadford Primary School develops real life skills, deep conceptual understanding, procedural fluency and creative thinking. It is accessible for all, with the opportunity to succeed.

    Maths at B.P.S. is:

    • authentic and practical
    • data driven
    • collaborative, with rich mathematical discussions
    • fun and engaging
    • focused on open-ended problem-solving opportunities
    • connected to the lives of students and supported with hands on materials

      Learning Mathematics at Broadford Primary School

      At Broadford Primary School, we structure our lessons to foster a love of Mathematics and develop students who:

      • Are confident, creative and flexible users of Mathematics
      • Develop proficiency with mathematical concepts, skills and strategies when posing and solving problems
      • Possess useful mathematical and numeracy skills for everyday life and work
      • Make connections between their learning in Mathematics and their own lives and other learning at school
      • Investigate problems and think critically
      • Select, share, teach and evaluate strategies that help to solve problems
      • Develop a positive mindset towards Mathematics and being challenged


        Throughout the year students are involved in Inquiry Unit of study each term covering

        • Science
        • The Humanities
        • Ethical Capability
        • Intercultural Capability
        • Personal and Social Capability
        • Technologies (Design and Technologies)
        • Health and Physical Education
        • Critical and Creative Thinking

        Inquiry Units of Study

        Each unit of study follows the following sequence:

        During the first week of every unit, students are immersed in the big-picture concept into which they will be inquiring.

        Students undertake a pre-test to determine what they already know about the content and skills they will be learning during the unit.

        Introducing the Unit
        Built into the early stages of each learning sequence, students are provided with an overview of what they will be doing. Students read through project sheets and rubrics and are prompted to ask clarifying questions.

        Habits of Mind
        During each unit, students are introduced to two Habits of Mind. They learn the focus of each habit and have an opportunity to practise it within the context of the content that they are learning.

        Scaffolding Tasks
        Students work individually or in groups as they are exposed to and practise the skills necessary to complete a rich assessment task. Students are introduced to different thinking tools and cooperative strategies and opportunities to connect what they are learning with their lives.

        Throughout each unit, students are prompted to develop questions that they have about what they are learning and then conduct an independent inquiry into one of their questions.

        Rich Assessment Task
        Each unit culminates in a rich assessment task. Students use rubrics to guide their progress and to assess peers. Many units include an opportunity for students to share their completed project with parents and visitors.

        Future Action
        During the final task in each unit, students are prompted to consider how they will use what they have learnt in the future.


        Broadford Primary School’s Language Other Than English (LOTE) is Auslan. Auslan is short for Australian Sign Language and is a language developed by and for Australians who are deaf or hearing impaired. It is a visual form of communication in which signs are combined with facial expressions to show the different emotions and meaning of words.

        Each class has one 30 minute session per week dedicated to learning Auslan and it is also incorporated into other lessons and everyday routines. For example, when learning the alphabet children also learn to sign the Auslan alphabet. When counting we use Auslan number signs as we count along. Greetings such as good morning and good afternoon are signed as well as spoken. We use Auslan signs when singing the national anthem at assembly. Children learn how to sign their names and have simple conversations in Auslan. They are exposed to stories and learn to sing songs using sign. We incorporate signs related to our inquiry topics such as signs for emotions, animals and family members.

        Children enjoy using their Auslan skills as a form of communication.


        Performing Arts

        At Broadford Primary School foundation to Year 6 students participate in weekly Performing Arts classes that develop their skills in music, dance and drama. Students are able to grow their appreciation of the performing arts through regular performance opportunities for their peers and the school community. Grade 5/6 students may have the opportunity to attend professional performances to further develop this.

        School Production

        We present a Grade 5/6 production every year where our talented students are able to showcase their abilities in dance, music and drama. This performance is held at the Broadford Shire Hall.

        Visual Arts

        The Visual Arts are a valued learning area at Broadford Primary School, with students from Foundation to Year 6 taking part in specialist run visual arts lessons each week. These lessons expose students to a variety of visual arts styles, media and skills.

        Art provides children with the opportunity to explore different art mediums and apply them to various art processes, expressing their ideas, experiences, and imagination visually. Children are encouraged to use divergent thinking, as they develop multiple ideas for their final artwork, art projects are often inspired by the work of a famous artist or an art movement. Through participation in Art students gain problem solving skills, insight into other cultures and social awareness. Students attend a one-hour Art session each week.

        Physical Education

        At Broadford Primary school all students participate in one hour of physical education per week. There is a strong focus on fitness, co- operation, teamwork, skill development, learning the rules of games and safety aspects, accepting umpiring decisions, experiencing winning/losing and having fun.

        Some of the diverse activities that we provide to our students are:

        • Swimming
        • Soccer
        • Cricket
        • AFL
        • Basketball
        • Softball
        • Tee Ball
        • Rounders
        • Athletics
        • Netball
        • Fitness Session

        The skills our students learn through these activities are:

        • Throwing and catching
        • Kicking and hitting balls ( all different sizes)
        • Skipping
        • Striking
        • Cooperation/Teamwork
        • Sport management
        • Object control skills
        • Fundamental movement skills
        • Spatial awareness
        School House Sports

        House sports for Grades 3-6 are held throughout the year for Swimming, Cross-Country Running and Athletics. A Long Distance Run and a Tabloid Sports morning are offered for students in F-2.

        Inter-School Sport

        Inter- school events for Grades 3-6 include Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics offering a chance to qualify for division, regional and state competition.

        Grades 5/6 compete against neighbouring schools in school sport gala days offering rounders, cricket, basketball, softball, soccer, football, netball and t- ball.

        Grade Levels

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        Welcome to the Foundation Unit here at Broadford Primary School. We welcome our youngest students into our school offering a safe, warm and nurturing environment where each individual is valued. We work closely with kindergartens and families to provide a supportive transition into school, emphasising open communication and the social emotional wellbeing of each child. A comprehensive transition program helps lay a positive beginning to school life, builds confidence and promotes lifelong learning.

        Starting school can be a worrying time for Foundation students. Our primary focus is the feeling of belonging, safety and being ready to learn. Our Ready To Learn program at the beginning of the year allows the students to build relationships with their teacher, make friends and build confidence and independence.

        The Foundation team work hard to teach daily routines as well as the school expectations using our School Wide Positive Behaviour Matrix, where we emphaisise Respect, Resilience, Responsibility and Readiness to Learn.

        A day in Foundation:

        Our foundation students have a structured, well balanced day that focuses on building literacy and numeracy skills, social and emotional awareness as well as independence and confidence.

        A typical day includes:

        Explicitly working with letters and sounds.

        Healthy Snack
        A time for a brain break and snack of fruit or vegetables.

        Exposing students to a large variety of texts, developing a love of reading, building reading habits, strategies and concepts about print.

        Students eat their playlunch in the classroom, then go outside to play.

        Developing fine motor skills, early writing, letter formation, writing words and constructing sentences.

        Investigating numbers, counting, measurement, pattern and shapes.

        Students eat their lunch in the classroom, then go outside to play.

        We learn about the world around us as well as how to learn.

        Learning about feelings, friendships, strategies for solving problems.

        Art, Drama or P.E (Physical Education) Each specialist session lasts for one hour.

        Grade 1 & 2

        Welcome to grade one & two . . . here are all the things we like to do

        It is a very exciting time in the life of a student. Grade one’s have just finished their first year of learning, while grade two’s are preparing for their senior years at primary school.

        We start the year with our ‘Ready to Learn’ program which teaches students the routines and expectations that will help foster their learning over the year.

        Every day students are engaged in Reading, Writing and Numeracy lessons that build on from the foundations taught the year before and begin to extend their critical thinking skills. Speaking and Listening is fostered during Show and Tell and term oral presentations about topics such as ‘my favourite book’ and ‘an activity I do’

        Throughout the year students in grade one & two will experience their first camp-like activity by participating in a sleep over at the school. We also have a long distance run, as a precursor to cross country. Excursions can include trips to the local swimming pool, the Broadford library and …

        Through our inquiry program, MAPPEN, in 2021 we will be investigating several topics including:

        Term 1 | Community: Places and Spaces
        The students will learn about the services in our community. They will consider sustainable practices as they design and construct model buildings seen in our community.

        Term 2 | Sustainability: Tip-Toe Through Our World
        Students will learn how to reduce, reuse and recycle as they consider the importance of sustainability. They will develop personal sustainability goals as they consider the ethics of sustainability.

        Term 3 | Social Justice: Celebrating Differences
        Your child will be immersed in the food, games, music and traditions of different cultures. They will explore the meaning of traditions as they explore cultural traditions.

        Term 4 | Creativity: Robot Buddies
        In groups, your child will design and build a robot using craft materials. They will learn about the properties of different materials and consider which materials they should use to create their robot.

        We look forward to sharing our learning with you on our class Compass newsfeeds.

        Grade 3 & 4

        In Year 3 and 4 students embark on new areas in their learning journey.

        In English, Year 3 and 4 students develop a range of strategies to help them read and understand a variety of text types and genres. Students complete activities to interpret information in the text and are able to answer comprehension questions to show what they have understood. Students practise making connections with a text based on personal or world experiences and spend time discussing this with others. Students continue to build on imaginative and informative text types including narrative, informational and persuasive.

        In Mathematics, Year 3 and 4 students complete activities targeted to individual learning needs. Lessons are structured to include fluency practice, whole class mini lesson, followed by activities catered to student abilities. Teachers try to incorporate a range of tasks to engage students with a mixture of hands-on activities, using resources, and written work. Students are exposed to multiple topics including Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Fractions, Chance, Shape and Measurement.

        Throughout Inquiry units, students investigate areas such as geography and history. Students complete research tasks to expand their knowledge of these areas and present their findings in a range of ways including artworks or verbal and digital presentations. We showcase our learning at the end of each term as an Expo.

        Developing their personal and social skills, students take part in activities focusing on their interaction with classmates, understanding the complexities of friendship and how to treat others with respect. Students reflect on their own strengths and weaknesses through mindfulness and practicing gratitude.

        Grade 5 & 6

        Grade 5/6 is a special time for students at BPS where we take final advantages of the supportive and nurturing environment of primary school life.

        Student wellbeing is an important focus and is discussed daily. Students are becoming more independent in identifying connections between their emotions and behaviour. They are encouraged to use a range of strategies to feel calm, happy, and ready to learn. Formal Wellbeing lessons are also a priority, covering curriculum areas that develop self-awareness, resilience, and collaboration.

        Our reading sessions are taught through the development of personal reading goals, modelling with mentor texts and strategy-based lessons, where we build on students’ deeper understanding of texts. Personal desktop libraries and classroom libraries ensure each student has a range of engaging and challenging books at their fingertips.

        Writing sessions are carefully undertaken with an emphasis on establishing a community of writers. Much of our writing centres around the use of our personal Writer’s Notebooks. This is a fantastic tool that holds all our ideas for future writing. Informative, persuasive and narrative writing units are taught with an emphasis on the 6 + 1 Traits of Writing.

        Mathematics in Grade 5/6 is all about students developing a positive mindset and making connections to the real world. If you visited our classrooms during a Maths session you would see students practising number skills and strategies, students working collaboratively to explore problems and find solutions, and lots of talking to share the learning. We also love great maths games that help us to learn maths, and they are fun!

        Specialist classes include Physical Education, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, AUSLAN and ICT which are held once a week.

        A huge highlight of the year is the Grade 5/6 Production that sees all students involved in some way, shape or form. Our drama teacher oversees the process from auditions, singing, costumes, dance moves to the performance nights, with lots of help from all of our talented BPS staff members!

        Another 5/6 highlight is the opportunity to take part in our Interschool sports where we train and compete in a number of different sports, both Summer and Winter sports, against local schools from our area. The students love meeting new people from other schools as well as learning new sports.

        As we near the end of the school year we ensure we are preparing our grade six students for a happy and successful move to year seven. We work closely with local secondary schools ensuring a smooth transition for all our students.

        BPS also takes pride in the end of year celebrations for our Grade 6s, including a very special graduation night, a graduate family morning tea and a trip to Funfields.

        Camps, Excursions & Incursions

        Camps/Grade 2 Sleepover

        All children are offered camps in grade 3-6 and an after school activity for Grades Foundation-2.
        The sleepover and camps are incorporated into the curriculum and are an important part of your children’s education and social development.
        Information about your child’s camp or after school activity will be sent home as soon as it’s available.


        Our school has an extensive excursion and incursion (in-school visits) program. These visits are a feature of our teaching programs and therefore all students are expected to attend. If the excursion involves travel or cost consent and payment will be requested via Compass.
        For local walking excursions, parents/carers will be asked to sign an annual blanket approval form to allow students to attend these local excursions as they occur during the year.

        Please refer to our camps & excursions policy for further information.